Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Brand New Day!!

What a day....

As many of you know I met with a new Oncologist today. I started out this morning with an overwhelming sense of peace. I haven't had that in a while. I have struggled the past week with alot of pain and today was the first time that it was under control. I was up and about most of the day.

My appointment was today at 2:30 at the Arizona Cancer Center with Dr. Dragovich. The Cancer Center is breathtaking, a beautiful state of the art center. I walked in and just knew this was where I was menat to be. Dr. Dragovich is a younger, very optomistic and positive man. As with all if the Dr's that read my case the first thing he asked was wether or not anyone in my family has a history of cancer. They are all clearly puzzled that a 35 year old healthy woman has this terrible crazy case of colon cancer. The first topic of discussion was other chemotherapy treatments. The next line of defense to treat colon cancer is a drug called Irinotecan, it is also known as CPT-11. He said that some people respond better to this drug than they do 5FU, my previous chemo drug. I will have some side effects similar to the ones I had with 5FU and he said I will lose my hair on this one. Oh well I will just need to go find a good wig!! Maybe I will get a couple and can be a blonde or a brunette on any given day. Then the moment that almost made me jump out of my chair he began discussing a treatment called HIPEC treatment. The ironic thing about this was I had done some research while I was in the hospital this last time and I emailed my family about this cutting edge treatment, so it was on my list of questions to talk to him about. HIPEC treatment is basically a combination of surgery and chemotherapy. They go in surgically and remove all the cancer they possibly can and then they run a chemotherapy agent though your abdomen while open. Sounds crazy and amazing all at the same time. When I had done my research I had found that this treatment wasn't offered here in AZ and the closest facility was in San Diego at UCSD. So, I asked Dr. Dragovich if I would need to travel out of state for this procedure and he says that in the past yes that would have been the case, but this procedure is now going to be offered here in Tucson at the Cancer Center. He says in fact I will see if Dr. Ong, the surgical Oncologist that performs this procedure can stop by and introduce himself to you!! At this point in the conversation I am pretty sure I had a permanent smile on my face, because I was so blown away that finally I was being given some other options. So, basically we decided that I am going to start chemotherapy again next week. Dr. Dragovich said he would like to see how I respond to the new drug and then go from there. After Dr. Dragovich left the room he went and got Dr. Ong. Another amazing, positive extremely intelligent doc. He explained the HIPEC treatment to us. Both docs said this treatment is somewhat contreversial, mostly because it is rather new here in the United States. They have been doing the procedure for a while now in Europe, but only the last few years here. They said that there are many suuccessful cases with this prrocedure. The most successful are people whose cancer is contained in the peritoneal cavity, like mine. Although my cancer has spread it is all within the abdomen. He said that when cancer spreads they classify all of them as stage 4, but not all stage 4 cancers are the same. He said that they believe stage 4 that is contained in one general area is different and more manageable then cases where it spreads to the lungs etc. Dr. Ong said that he has been fighting to get this treatment here at the U of A for the past year and guess what it is coming here starting next month!!! I have prayed for a miracle and it sure feels like this could be it. There are only 41 other facility's in the US that offer this procedure, the U of A is # 42. I will meet with Dr. Wong over the next few weeks to discuss things in more detail, so more to come.
After Dr. Wong left, my mom, Dale, Mike and I just stared at each other in shock!! Finally, some HOPE.

I go tomorrow to meet with a dietician and for a chemotherapy education class. We have not scheduled my appointment yet for next week, but it will probably be Tues, Wed or Thurs. What an AMAZING day, it was fantastic. I can't tell you how inspired I am by this new information.

Thanks for all the prayers these past few weeks, I think it is working!!

I will keep you posted....more to come :)

Love you guys,


  1. Hi Tara! I am a friend of Jenn's and am here as a prayer warrior for you! I just read your blog and am THRILLED to hear about all the miracles happening around you. The HIPEC treatment sounds very aggressive....definitely what you want with cancer. Are you receiving treatment at the UofA Cancer Center right now? My husband had his Testicular Cancer treated there and we just ADORED that place. My best advice is this....pray hard and BELIEVE that God is hearing all you say, expect a miracle, stay positive and focused, and mosts of all know that there are lots and lots of us out here praying for you and supporting your fight. I can't wait to read how your next few weeks go....all the exciting meetings about this new treatment! I am so excited for you. Praying for strength and peace for you and your family. GOD BLESS YOU TARA!!!

  2. Thank you so much Aubre!! I'm sure you know how much it means to have such wonderrful people around supporting you through this journey. I am so glad to hear that your husband beat this nasty beast! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the prayers and support.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving...the holidays are different this year because the only thing we wilsons' want is for you to get well. Your good care at the UofA is an early gift. We all have HOPE, FAITH, AND BELIEVE IN YOU. Now don't forget to bring the fudge at Christmas, "B" I make great soup and want to do anything I can...Aunt Nancy & Uncle Chenie, & Patrick

  4. Hi Tara. We all love you and are praying for you, and we know you are going to get better. All of us in NJ are having positive thoughts towards the new treatment at the U of A. We KNOW it will help you get better!! Despite the fact that we are far away, we ALL think of you everyday. Our hopes and prayers are with you. Love you.

    Aunt Marge, Uncle Bill, Laurie, Chris, Chris Jr., Erica, Donna, Joe, Tom, Dan, Frank, Kathy and Joe.

  5. Hi Tara, so happy to hear that you are in good hands!!! You will be fine because not only are you strong but you have a network of people praying for you worldwide (I put you on my family and other friends prayer requests).
    I remember those beautiful pictures of your daughter doing those cute pageants and looking at her now she is as beautiful as you are.
    I wish Dr Childers was still with us,he was my oncologist in Tucson, but it sounds like you are being taken care of by angels with a higher accountability.
    God Bless and hang in there!
