Sunday, November 15, 2009

IQTB-I guess that the verdict is in and for once we all agree!!

Hi Gang,

First off, a million thanks to Jenn for starting this blog. It is beautiful. I love you mon!! Thank you to all of my wonderful friends, I can't even explain how it makes me feel to have such an amazing support system. With your help I can and will beat this BEAST!!

Today has been a pretty good day. I am still in the hospital, however I am in the new unit of St. Joes and it is beautiful. I feel like I am staying at the Ritz...well sort of. The private room has nice wood floors, big bathroom and a flat screen TV. Ain't too shabby!! Had wonderful visitors today, Aunt Nancy, Pete and Stacy, Logan, Granny, Dale, Bryan, Jimmy and Mike. My WONDERFUL daughter washed my hair today and granny helped me blow dry and straighten. Nancy brought me new pj's and slippers, so I am decked out. I feel human!! It's FANTASTIC!! The docs think I may get to go home tomorrow, they plan to do another CT scan and see if there is still fluid collecting in my stomach. If not, then I get to blow this popsicle stand :) Wooo Hoo. Home to my baby and boyfriend.

Well, I am off to watch Desperate Housewives....ha ha ha to those of you who know the inside joke.

Love you guys!!


  1. LOVE YOU!! xoxoxo
    "I quit this bitch!"


  2. TEAM TARA MEMBER MARYNovember 15, 2009 at 8:11 PM

    I am proud to be a member of TEAM TARA!!!! You will beat this beast. Sounds like you had a great day and you will have lots of great days...and years ahead of you. Let us know what we can do for you when you get home. maybe dinners or shopping. Whatever you need just ask.
    Love this blog!!!

  3. Hi Tara! I am a long time friend of Jenn's and have been following the updates on you. My husband had cancer and my mother-in-law so we know all too well about the BEAST that cancer is....but we also know that it's NOT A DEATH SENTANCE at all. You are strong and you are going to beat this beast and come out the other side stronger than when you started. Our family is praying for you and I have sent your name to our church for prayer. We are along side you from Westerville, Ohio!

    Aubre, Gary and Noah Rice

  4. Hi Tara,
    I am so happy that this was created. Tom and I are sad that we live so far away and cannot see you as much as we would like. You have amazing strength and I know you possess the willpower to beat this. We are here for you always and care deeply for you. Stay strong love! <3

  5. Tara - You may not remember me, but I'm a good friend of Jenn's in Virginia. We've met a couple of times. I wanted to let you know that we are ALL praying HARD for you. You CAN BEAT THIS! You are an inspiration to us all! My 11 year old daughter submitted a prayer request online to her sunday school class - for you and Logan and all of your family! Stay strong, there are people all over fighting for you!

    Michelle Hoilman (and Madison and Morgan too)

  6. I am thinking about you and praying for you all the time Tara. You are such a strong strong woman, and i have always admired you for that!! You will beat this!! Love you girl!! Landrell
